With reference to the Work Code of Practice 2022 of QLD- Australia.

The Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work Code of Practice 2022, which was passed back in late 2022, is now in effect since 1 April 2023, in Queensland, Australia. It affects the construction industry too. It lists the below hazards among the other common psychosocial hazards:

  1. High and/or low job demands (e.g. time pressure, unachievable deadlines, challenging work hours) (Explanation: So, a PM’s request to complete a task within a short time could cause time pressure on the engineer or subcontractor and may be non-compliant with the code)
  2. Poor support (lack of functional or adequate IT systems)
  3. Poor organizational change management
  4. Remote or isolated work (FIFO workers) (Explanation: FIFO jobs are common in Australia, and now the contractors/client should make sure to assess the risk and eliminate or manage. Even currently the FIFO arrangement is something like working 3 weeks at the site and having a 1 week’s holiday, may adopted considering the potential Psychosocial Hazards risk)
  5. Poor environmental conditions (high or nuisance noise levels, extreme temperatures)

Code: Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice 2022 (worksafe.qld.gov.au)

Image – https://image.slideserve.com/562333/psychosocial-hazards-n.jpg